Whilst I have been burrowing my head in the sand of deep church I notice that the blog world has been pulsing with debate about the southern baptist decision to abstain from alcohol [John and Helen both have good posts on this].
Now I'm not southern baptist, or baptist from any other point of the compass [i was going to say I'm not even American but due to an accident of birth i hold dual citizenship] so what on earth has this got to do with me. As I read the posts and comments on christian view on alcohol and whether to abstain or not, I'll tell you what I thought...
'How dare any institution ,or any person for that matter, tell me how I should live my life! If I want to drink alcohol then dammit, I will! And what's even better is I can think of bible verses to back me up'
What I wanted to do was write a long post ridiculing people who lived by such legalistic notions and celebrating my freedom to do what I want, with some of those good sounding bible verses thrown in and then go for a pint or two...
But the more I thought about the more I find myself trapped in my own prison, in which I am the jailer - I am not really free I am self obsessed, selfish and unable to accept that anyone would want to deny themselves something - such that i feel i have to assert my right to do what I want free of all restraint.
Is practicing abstinence really such a bad thing? In a consumer dominated world, when i can have what I want when I want it at my convenience - that I have come to expect this as my right? Maybe if i want to start detoxing from the effects of my consumer addiction praticing abstinence is in fact a good thing? Certainly if i was a recovering alcoholic for instance the southern baptists would sound an ideal church for me to go - maybe as someone who is as touch with his consumption as an alcoholic is with their drinking I need to go along as well?
Not that I know any southern baptists, which is a shame, but if I did I wouldn't offer them alcoholic drink if they came to dinner out of respect of their convictions, i wouldn't meet them in a pub either, in fact i wouldn't try and drink alcohol in front of them out of respect for their practice. So why should I start now on the internet telling them they are wrong - when i am reacting out of my own wrongness and self addiction?
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