Jason Clark has this awesome post on: Is Christianity Irredeemably Speciesist? Basically how man exploits animals and justifies that exploitation - and whether christianity has been co-opted to that exlpoitation...
Next to the rise of the feminist movement I think the single other biggest movement to have arisen over the last few decades has been the animal rights one - both movements have valuable things to teach the church, not least in the areas of mercy, justice and humility.
I wrote here how I feel as christians we are called/comissioned to tend and serve creation not just exploit it for our own ends. That tending and service includes how humanely we treat the animals as well as the atmosphere etc. Whilst I still see a place for eating animals or having them help us in our labours I think we need to be concerned about factory farming conditions as christians in the 19th century were concerned about factory conditions for workers... No treat animals as things is to exploit says much about ourselves and our own appertites, whilst to restrain ourselves, to pay a higher price for healthier, safer conditions that we raise animals is recognise that role of tending rather than just consuming.
I therefore heartedly commed the Meatrix site as a clevel culturaly relevant way of finding out more about the impact exploiting animals for our own consumption and have put the Meatrix clips below for you to view...
Meatrix 2
Meatrix 2 1/2
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