I've been nominated for a couple of meme's on books and quirks... so here's my quirks one:
Six quirks...
1. Blowing my own trumpet: As I open the porch door to come in from work i make a little bugle call to myself to pysch me up to be like the calvary coming over the hill to relieve Debs - sometimes it feels more like Custer's last stand!
2. Making up little songs: I like making up little songs to sing about what is happening in life, usually stealing an existing tune and putting in my own words. I think i inhererited this ability from my Dad, who's toothbrushing song that he used to sing to us as kids is now sung to my own:
There are big ones and little ones And top ones and bottom ones And they've all got to be brush brushed When you're brushing your teeth
There are front ones and back ones Cos we don't want no black ones So they've all got to be brush brushed When you're brushing your teeth
Yes they've all got to be brush brushed They've all got to be brush brushed They've all got to be brush brushed When you're brushing your teeth
3. Lotta bottle: one of the joys of havin a milkman deliver our milk in bottles direct to the door is that there is always a lovely handy bottle of cold white stuff in the fridge - rather than getting a glass out i confess i often swig straight from the bottle :)
4. Word play: i confess to being addicted to punning, another trait inherited from my dad, i simply can't resist...
5. Walking socks: Having owned one pair of walking socks for 14 yrs which of late were getting very holy i am now the proud owner of a newly knitted pair courtesy of debs. The only slight downside of havin a home made knitted pair is that Debs insists that they go in the wash leaving me with cold feet! Having no picture of them, i thought i'd let you see this youtube clip of somone who has a serious sock quirk!
6. killing aliens: nothing is more destressing then shooting aliens! As a friend asked me at work the other day: "do you find that shooting aliens lessons your desire to shoot people or increases it?" - hmmm maybe i was twitching just a lil too much at my desk!
How about you, any quirks of your own???
I think I have too many quirks to mention!! The one most people in Aberdeen seem to remember is cartwheeling down beaches...despite the fact I cannot cartwheel...
Posted by: Laura Anne | 18 January 2008 at 11:30 PM
1. Right shoe first. It started as a way to get faster at putting on cricket gear, but now it's a tough habit to break.
2. I shed change. I'm prone to leaving little piles of change all around the house and sometimes at friend's houses and offices.
3. Riding Boots. My look is urban, but I'm a huge fan of RM Williams boots. Does that make me an urban cowboy?
4. Nails. My finger nails are longer on one hand - it' a guitar thing.
5. Accent. Most people just can't pick it and those who guess usually get it wrong. I'm convinced it sounds different from one day to the next.
6. Walking while talking. I find it hard to sit down when talking on the phone.
Posted by: fernando | 19 January 2008 at 12:28 AM
Thanks for playing Paul. I know those things (memes) can be annoying, but it was a slow week.
Did you happen to notice the YouTube video that I dedicated to your stomach? ;-)
Posted by: kay | 19 January 2008 at 02:47 AM
thanks Laura Anne, cartwheels heh, very impressive. Did you get on a roll? Did one beach couldn't stop??? :)
Posted by: paul | 19 January 2008 at 02:56 PM
Thanks F, yes i do the whole walk and talk thang. The funny thing is when Nathan talks on the phone he does it too :)
Posted by: Paul | 19 January 2008 at 03:03 PM
thanks Kay, yes i did check out that lil clip and had a whale of a time :)
did i mention i like word play??? :)
Posted by: paul | 19 January 2008 at 03:04 PM
I don't know. It's very liberating and fun. I'm not sure why. But have now cartwheeled down beaches in several countries....!
Posted by: Laura Anne | 19 January 2008 at 09:01 PM
maybe you can set up your own cartwheeling therapy centre??? :)
Posted by: Paul | 20 January 2008 at 06:19 PM
My older brother makes up songs. I was walking along humming the "I like sausages" song invented a couple of summers ago when my nephew was refusing to eat his sausages!! When I was a child my brother wrote a song called "Vincent the Child catcher" which contained the line "I'm off to catch some kiddies for my tea". My brother is 11 years older than me and tormenting my younger brother and I was one of his pastimes!!
Posted by: Kamsin | 21 January 2008 at 04:59 PM
Thanks Kamsin - i see a bit of a theme there, kids for tea, sausages for tea... he's not some modern version of sweeney todd the singing kiddie sausage maker is he??? ;)
Posted by: Paul | 22 January 2008 at 12:22 PM