Having been tagged by Brad, here are books...
One book that changed my life: A book called Clearing away the rubbish, by Adrian Plass. I read it after hearing one of the poems read at school assembly - it was the first time that i experienced profound truth, humour, drama and creativity in one book - i think up until that point i was a serious conservative self-righteous ass of a christian and that book began a journey of teaching me to laugh at myself and to stop taking me so seriously!
One book that i've read more than once: Most books are so easy to read and move on but one book that i come back to reading every couple of years is the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien - the depth of my imagination is always delighted in new ways.
One book I'd want on a desert island: hmmm probably something like Ray Mears "Outdoor survival handbook!"
Two books that made you laugh: "1066 and all: a memorable history of england, comprising all the parts you can remember, including 103 good things, 5 bad kings and 2 genuine dates" is book that appeals to my sense of greatness as an Englishmen and my love of history (albeit tongue in cheek).
The other would be the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, the ultimate lonely planet guide, surreal, funny and so very improbably good :) - indeed the whole series is awesome!
One book that made me cry: hmmm probably fly fishing by J R Hartley...
One book that I wish I had written: The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, ok it's 7 books but they are brilliant!
One book that I am currently reading: The new conspirators by Tom Sine
One book that I have been meaning to read: Lots, i have a back catalogue.
Hitch Hikers guide is a classic, I read it again recently. I've just come back in to my house after a not insignificant drive to a Borders store, planning an evening of browsing, only to find it shut 2 minutes after I got there. Doh. Lord of the rings would be awesome - if you took that to your desert island, along with the other tolkien books, it could take a few years away! I think I'd prob take the chronicles of narnia, although in that genre I think Susan Cooper's the dark is rising series is almost unbeatable.
Posted by: Duncan McFadzean | 19 January 2008 at 10:12 PM
I haven't read the Dark Tower series... I'll need to get them. Tom Sine's book looks interesting as well.
Posted by: sacred vapor | 20 January 2008 at 02:12 AM
thanks duncan, i never really got into the narnia stories, they were always a bit wet for me with characters i wanted to kill :)
Posted by: Paul | 20 January 2008 at 06:16 PM
Thanks Paul - if you like Stephen King then you'll love the dark tower series, it's his magnus opus and sheer brilliance!
Posted by: Paul | 20 January 2008 at 06:18 PM
Fly Fishing by J.R. Hartley
That book won me another turn in trivial pursuit. I love the Yellow Pages adverts...!!
Posted by: Laura Anne | 24 January 2008 at 04:21 PM
Thanks Laura Anne, they were classic ads :)
Posted by: Paul | 26 January 2008 at 07:51 PM