One for the road...
reflections on my journey with you, myself & God. So far my walk with God has been too costly for mere wish fulfillment but too life changing for just coincidence...
23 March 2007
The problem with changing sexual society mores...
Asbo Jesus
23 Mar 2007 22:14:07
sex & sexuality
Prostate Cancer awareness week...
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Domination free communities: learning to live other centred shared lives?
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Prostate Cancer awareness week...
Great! I loved the "Christians and the environment..." the other day also. Such a talent being able to communicate with just a picture and a few words.
Posted by: Rick Meigs | 24 March 2007 at 01:49 AM
Lol! You find so many funny things Paul.
Posted by: John Smulo | 24 March 2007 at 02:42 AM
I saw this on his site ... it is very funny.
I think it would be a good starter for teaching on sex in church!!!!
Posted by: Rupert Ward | 25 March 2007 at 07:33 PM
Thanks Rick, i agree i think it's an awesome site :)
Posted by: Paul | 26 March 2007 at 09:32 AM
thanks John, it can't all be serious! Then again is any of it, lol :)
Posted by: Paul | 26 March 2007 at 09:33 AM
Teaching on sex,Rupert - are you gonna conduct your own survey? lol
Posted by: Paul | 26 March 2007 at 09:34 AM
Okay, I'm not going to disagree that it's not kinda funny or it doesn't make a good point. But maybe one of the problems in the church is that we do laugh at this because we've come to agree with "the world" that it's "absurd" to expect people to abstain from sex before marriage.
That doesn't mean that I think that talking honestly about sex - good and bad - causes kids to go out and have sex before marriage. (A number of people assume that stressing abstinence is the same thing as stressing ignorance, but one does not follow necessarily or even logically from the other!)
I also realize that we certainly don't do girls any favor when we idolize virginity but say little else, resulting in trends like "technical virgins" - girls who think that oral or anal sex is okay as long as they can still claim to be a virgin.
BTW, I don't hold a double standard that says virginity is more important for girls than boys. But I am a girl, so the affect of this kind of thing on girls is more of an interest to me...I'll let the guys deal with the affect of this kind of thing on guys.
Posted by: DrLiz | 17 April 2007 at 05:23 AM
Thanks Dr Liz - it's an interesting take on the cartoon, i thought it was funny in the sense that the church goes to the world with a message of abstinance and the world finds that all very funny.
But you are right that issues such as sex have probably slipped along way down some people's list of important issues - which may or may not be right.
I personally think we need to frame our conversations on sex around commitment - what are we commiting ourselves too/for and not just leave sex as some stand alone thing that happens. Too often we have christians scewed up by Augustinian heritage teaching on the sinfulness of the body that sex is a misery - maybe its not a good idea to take our western christian thinking on sex from a former sex addict, lol.
But it is a serious point that sex like any other issue to me should become intergrated into our whole view - sex is a great thing but it is part of a context - we can't let the lie rest that there is a private me space where as long as we aren't hurting anyone than what we do is ok - cos we are all connected and sex that is just private and for me is gonna end up hurting someone - even if it's a mutual agreement to use each other to get what we want...
Posted by: Paul | 17 April 2007 at 11:39 PM