"In Jesus, we meet our beloved God.
From now on we know that our God is not a god of despair but the God of hope; not a god of wrath but the God of mercy; not a god of condemnation but the God of compassion; not a god of imperial power but the God of the cross; not a god of domination but the God of loving service; not a god of oppression but the God of liberation; not a god who blesses injustice but the God of justice; not a god of war but the God of peace; not a god of violence but the God of nonviolence; not a god of death but the God of Life.
From now on we know that we have been created to share in the fullness of life, in God’s own life of love and unending mercy.
God’s revolution is greater than our most utopian dreams..."
Source: Jesus the rebel
HT: inward/outward
Read more: Katie's post "Revolution is not just a word"
That is an awesome passage! I really like the last line: "God’s revolution is greater than our most utopian dreams." Amen to that! I will have to check out that book-- sounds fantastic!
Posted by: Katie | 28 March 2007 at 06:37 PM
Thanks Katie. I haven't read the book, but i thought the quote is awesome! It reminds me how i often settle for ok rather than God's dream of the best for me - or as C S Lewis said i'm a bit like the boy who would rather make mud pies cos he can't imagine a holiday at the beach...
Posted by: Paul | 30 March 2007 at 11:02 AM
Amen brotha's and sista's in the Lord.
Which is better than brothels in the Lord.
Posted by: David | 30 March 2007 at 09:06 PM
lol, brothels in the lord - are you starting a new flirty fisher revoloution, David?? :)
Posted by: Paul | 31 March 2007 at 05:59 PM