Is deep church I wonder, the way of cultivating an understanding that I expressed in my post on the kingdom of God being bigger than church? In other words if we accept that our individual churches are part of the kingdom but not the sum of the kingdom then maybe there is a healthier and less parochial way of participating together as christians in the kingdom of God?
What is deep church?
The term was first coined by C S Lewis who on Feb 8th 1952 wrote a letter to The Church Times standing-up for the supernatural basis of the Gospel which he felt strongly was being undermined by modernism:
‘To a layman,’ he said, ‘it seems obvious that what unites the Evangelical and the Anglo Catholic against the “Liberal” or “Modernist” is something very clear and momentous, namely, the fact that both are thoroughgoing supernaturalists, who believe in the Creation, the Fall, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Second Coming, and the … Last Things. This unites them not only with one another but also with the Christian religion as understood ubique et ab omnibus.
The point of view from which this agreement seems less important than their divisions … is to me unintelligible. Perhaps the trouble is that as supernaturalists, whether “Low” or “High” Church, thus taken together they lack a name. May I suggest “Deep Church”, or if that fails in humility, Baxter’s “mere Christians”’. (C.S. Lewis, Church Times 1952)
In other words christians have more in common than actually divides them - whether you want to call this mere christianity, a generous orthodoxy or deep church or something else it would seem that deep church represents a way that is above either judging the kingdom of God on one church or making our church/denomination the litmus paper of the kingdom. Christians might differ in practice and emphasis but the vast majority hold to a common orthodoxy/practice/experience of the core tenants of what the christian faith is in/about.
As Professor Andrew Walker said:
"Deep Church, while it is open to ecumenical insight and ‘cross-over’ doctrines, is not about syncretism or absorbing the next fad in the endless search for liturgical novelty. It is about the marriage between the ‘new thing’ God is always doing in our lives, and the ‘old things’ – the historic givens of the Faith - that he has already done which includes the means of Grace that he has provided for our spiritual nourishment. Deep Church, then, is not just about something old for something new (or the other way round). It is about anamnesia and re-imagining. It is about catholicity and a holy separation. It is about a re-collected history and writing a new chapter in the annals of faith.
The establishment of Deep Church is not merely overdue, it is a missiological imperative for we are entering a time of great testing in the western world: the Enlightenment era, which in so many ways has served humankind so well, has drawn to a close and with it the optimism of a glorious future has faded away. We are now past the twilight of modernity but not yet in the dawn of a new age: in this transitional stage we are caught in an age of uncertainty poised between the forces of apocalypse and congenital boredom. "
Deep does not mean the same...
I am not advocating a homogeneous church, as i expressed in my last post i think different forms and styles of church are a positive thing - it would be arrogant of me to assume that everyone needs to attend a church like mine and i need to realise that it will take lots of different churches with lots of different styles to reach and connect with lots of different people.
In one sense it is a question of space - the places that churches inhabit could be vast public gatherings or small house churches. For some people it would be a nightmare going to church in someones front room but for other people it would feel natural. For some people it would be a mare being in church in a big crowd but for some people it would feel natural. I think i need to get beyond space/style and look at something more than that which is values...
Values or marks of deep church...
What do you think the marks or values of a deep church should be? You might think i've pulled one step ahead of myself and should first ask the Q what is a church? I've deliberately not gone there because i think the two are linked - i think deep church can be in any space, public, private, intimate and in any denomination, structure, leadership etc. It can be with a crowd of hundreds or just within a handful.
Professor Walker suggests that:
"one of the distinguishing marks of Deep Church is that as adopted brothers and sisters of the incarnate Son of God what holds true for Him is intended to be normative for us: if you want to be my disciples, says Jesus to the apostolic band, ‘take up your cross’. This is a clear directive for us, especially in the present uncertainty, that there can be no resurrection without crucifixion, no legitimate charism of power, certainly no exousia, without exposing our vulnerability to the cruelties and exigencies of a fallen world and the evil of principalities and powers. And there can be no long-term renewal or spiritual awakening of the Church without sharing the deep wounds of the crucified Christ so that through them we too share in the pain of the world. A theologia glorie without a theologia crucis, Tom Smail has reminded us often enough, is a cock-eyed gospel and while it will always have popular appeal, it has no place in the soteriology of Deep Church."
To start the ball rolling here are some of the things i think should be values/marks:
- generous orthodoxy - we are on the same side, in the same kingdom, following the same king - what can we learn from each other?
- generous orthopraxy i.e. co-operating/partnering practically with other churches [mission then is more than I win you lose but how can we work together so the area we inhabit experiences the kingdom of God]. Any other practical examples of how to do this?
- christians who embody the works, words and wounds of Christ and who as a body are prepared to be broken for the world
- local and global - the kingdom of God does not just stop at the edge of my town, postal district etc but is global
- believers who do/act good deeds in the kingdom not just have right beliefs
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
Ok, please suggest some more..?
How about agreeing that a worship service should actually include the things the scriptures mention as pleasing to God? Prayer, Repentance, Singing, Offerings, Proclamation, Exhortation, Sacraments, Fellowship...
Posted by: RevK | 01 January 2010 at 10:17 AM
Thanks Rev K, I couldnt agree more with you
To: [email protected]
Subject: [One for the road...] RevK submitted a comment to Exploring the marks of deep church..
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 02:17:57 -0800
Posted by: Paul Mayers | 01 January 2010 at 11:23 AM