namely me! Yes along with thousands I have decided this year to commit to loosing weight. At the weigh in yesterday I was 14.2 stone, 90 Kg or 198.5 lbs - which ever way you cut it, for my 6ft 1 height I am overweight [in the red]...
Apart from being overweight on the charts I also realise my fitness really tailed off last year, having Daniel, moving house, other distractions etc saw me barely go for a run at all! And although I have a walk to/from the station for work, working from home means I don't do that every day either. So as well as loosing weight I want to at start going for a run at least once a week...
I'd like to loose 30lbs or 2.2 stone in a year - this will see me hit the mid point of the healthy weight for my height but more importantly in the year of my 10th wedding anniversary it will see me back at my weigh in weight when I got married - which will be a nice present for both of us :)
I thought I might do a weekly weigh in/fitness account here to keep my motivation up and my trips to Mc D's down :) so if you're one of those who are also embarking on this journey then feel free to join in the fun or not :)
That's my commitment for the year, how about you???
My husband is having a fight with 10-15lbs that doesn't want to bite the dust... lol... I tease him a little, I'll admit, what with his efforts to lose by skipping breakfast yet enjoying that beer or two at night--haha! and he likes to respond by jumping on me to put me in my place--HA!, but this year I've decided that my skinny body is practically entirely unmuscled and it doesn't appear that it's going to do anything but stay that way unless I actually attempt to do something about it.
So I'm thinking I might have to do something... and admitting that, yes, time is ticking and it's time to acknowledge that something happened since I was 16 and totally athletic as compared to now, where I have muscles ONLY in the toddler-hauling regions and nowhere else... This thirty-something business is a little off-putting. Gone are the good ol' days when I could eat/do whatever I wanted and still look good! DRAT!
Posted by: molly | 03 January 2007 at 07:33 AM
Well done Paul. You know I'm joining you on this, even though I have more to lose than you!
Posted by: John Smulo | 03 January 2007 at 09:40 AM
In the last 10 years weight has become an issue. When you get into your 50s, it seems SO HARD to keep it off. Diet certainly is one answer, but I find the real issue is simply not enough physical activity. Sitting around blogging, reading, writing, and my work (Internet based) doesn't burn many calories.
Posted by: Rick Meigs | 03 January 2007 at 02:19 PM
Hey fatty I could do with losing a few pounds
Posted by: marc | 03 January 2007 at 03:54 PM
Ah Molls, it's so true, that sweet beer has been my undoing, lol. Have resolved to drink more wine instead :).
I love the whole encouraging wife thang, Debs seems to be able to loose weight in her sleep, after 2 kids she's well within her weight for her height and is full of tips for me of how to loose my wobble! Maybe I should start teasing her about her muscle tone, what with 2012 coming up Debs should be thinking of competing against those eastern european and alsaskan shot puters, lol
Posted by: Paul | 03 January 2007 at 03:58 PM
Heh John, let's do it bro! The last time I did a diet with Debs I lost no weight and she lost a stone - it was the most depressing month of my life, eating so healthly and nothing happened, bar my stomach rumbling... which is another reason for doing it over a yr and for pacing myself...
I'll spot for you tho!
Posted by: Paul | 03 January 2007 at 04:00 PM
I know Rick, that's why I am looking at my running shoes and thinking I need to put them on! I still on bum all day at a desk and if i go out it's for a beer or a curry so not exactly healthy... i'm flirting with joining a gym but i think i'll keep that in reserve if after a couple of months i'm not running or loosing weight... :)
Posted by: Paul | 03 January 2007 at 04:01 PM
lol Marc, yeah but you carry it so well... just stand next to me and I'll make you look slim ;)
Posted by: Paul | 03 January 2007 at 04:02 PM
Posted by: David | 04 January 2007 at 05:04 PM
I need to do this too, Paul...
Posted by: Helen | 04 January 2007 at 06:37 PM
lol, David! I love dil thingy, whatsit...
Posted by: Paul | 04 January 2007 at 09:37 PM
at least you are not in the porker league Helen! Impressed by your exercise plans... I went for a run last night, only 3 miles and realised what a hilly place my new area is!
Oh well, resisted the vending machine at work today - but away this weekend and planning to cook debs some gourmet food, hmmm might need some long country walks to balance it out :)
Posted by: Paul | 04 January 2007 at 09:39 PM
Hey Paul - I can sympathise a little. Just a little.
Last year at 44 and 13st+ 5'10" I realised Iw as also softer in the centre than I liked. I started cycling to work (about 30 mins a day, but pushing hard) and cut out snacks/reduced breakfast a little. It gradually dropped to 12st, which is where I am now.
It can be done, but the first couple of months your tummy will hate you for it. the most important thing is to combine exercise with *reasonable* intake. This will make it take a little longer, but the results also last much longer: Christmas hasn't really made any difference.
Posted by: Toni | 09 January 2007 at 01:44 PM I take it the 5-mile wet country walks did the trick, did they??!
Have just logged into my WeightWatchers online 'page' - or whatever you call it - to try and register my weight-losing 'success' for this week(erm, not really!!) only to discover I couldn't enter it because my scales only measure weight in KILOGRAMS, like any decent scales blimmin' well should!! So question is: do I give up and waist (pun intended, sad though it is) 30 quid, or do I give in and buy myself a British weight-measuring device??
Oooh, I'm liking this, might indeed write a proper post on this whole weight-losing (non-)adventure. What do you reckon?
Will let you know the result of my decision making in due course. In the meantime, love to Debs and the boys as always...
Posted by: mrs wibbs | 09 January 2007 at 01:45 PM
Rach - save your money and experiene the wonders of the internet... try out a top conversion free programme courtesy of the www, will happily convert your kg, pounds, stones or small pebbles...
And yes those long country walks provoked much sleep...altho the posh nosh i cooked meant i lost no weight this week but then i didn't gain any either :)
Posted by: Paul | 09 January 2007 at 02:46 PM
thanks toni - you're right my tummy does hate me - ah all those yrs of over indulging it, it's busy throwing tantrums like a spoilt child, "don't you love me anymore" it am trying to ignore it :)
I figure going for long term lifestyle change rather than just starvation is the way to go - it might take longer but it feels more sustainable than just starving myself. So trying to eat more healthy things, eat less unhealthy things, not eat all the time and get a lot more exercise in...
thanks for the encouragement :)
Posted by: Paul | 09 January 2007 at 02:57 PM
You're welcome.
Mrs. Wibbs - multiply your kg by 2.25 for pounds and plug that into your website.
i.e. 75 kg X 2.25 = 168.75lb
Divide by 14 if you need stone too.
Posted by: Toni | 09 January 2007 at 06:15 PM