We don't need your money, just a few seconds of your time...
If you're from the USA visit the One campaign and sign the declaration
If you're from the UK :
- please vist the drop the debt campaign and send an email to Chancellor Brown asking him to cut the strings of debt - all you need to do is complete your details and hit submit
- Now you are on a roll please go and vote for trade justice as well - just compete the on-line voting form
- keep yourself informed:t make povery history
Thank you.
Great example of the online evolution: the Internet, your blog, YouTube clip, the One Campaign, an on-line voting form, etc. Way to celebrate OneWebDay.
Cynthia Ware
Posted by: Cynthia Ware | 22 September 2006 at 04:18 PM
Thanks Cnythia for makine me aware of the significance of today :)
Posted by: Paul | 22 September 2006 at 05:07 PM