First a Matrix reminder from those Muppets
Second, Gary in an excellent comment on the consumerism post said:
"Over at Prodigal Kiwi is a great article on the Matrix film and spiritual direction, taking as its main theme the idea of waking up to face reality and not the illusion. The more we wake up the more we notice the way our illusion is construcuted and this ties into the illusion of theocapitlaism, we wakw up to he fact that I can have more of my needs/ desires met while people in Kenya's slums cannot afford a nutritious meal. I wake up to the fact of how darn selfish I am and have to face the reality of my own woundedness. So what does that have to say about our discipleship and being mission orientated? I wake up and notice and move to reach out in love. Stimulating thoughts and midnight musings..."
Hmmm I hear you bro - anyone have any thoughts for Gary, and me?
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